6th Degree is a magazine that investigates and explores niche cultures within New York City. The publication was created as a collaborative effort between myself (the creative director and designer), Leyla Blue (producer and writer), Zoe Blackman (Writer and Editor), Brent Mckeever (Photographer), and Christina Yuan (AI director).

Designing this magazine, I wanted to capitalize on the distinction in different neighborhoods/cultures of the city, so I decided to embrace a very eclectic overarching style, with hints of retrofuturism throughout. I chose retrofuturism because it represents this idea that was so beloved yet never really came to fruition, it was really the future that never came. I have come to think of this style as really emblematic of the power of a niche aesthetic , in this case in evoking some sense of hope or nostalgia.
For each story, I created an aesthetic and style that would encapsulate the people and cultures in the interviews. The project was really a concentration in visual storytelling, as I was translating words and personalities into design aesthetics.

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